CSGS 2025: Dallas, Texas
Hosted by Southern Methodist University
March 19-21, 2025

As we prepare to gather in Dallas on the campus of Southern Methodist University on March 19-21, 2025, our theme is Riding the Open Range: Corralling Challenges and Spurring Innovation in Graduate Education. Successful graduate education leadership in the South requires operating both within and beyond the vast opportunities presented by cultural and legal constraints posed by our political, administrative, and fiscal contexts.
The Executive Committee calls for proposals for the CSGS 2025 Annual Meeting that connect with our theme that often feels like the “wild west” in graduate education. We especially encourage proposals for concurrent sessions that reflect the range of CSGS member institutions in the following areas:
Obtaining and Using Data to gain insights to advocate for graduate education
Building a NEW Graduate Community – connections among and between students and mentors
Employment Outcomes, Value Transparency, and Gainful Employment
The unique challenges of recruitment and retention of students, faculty, and staff in Southern graduate education
CSGS is committed to supporting all institutions that exist in the South including large and small publics, privates, HBCUs, HSCIs, and others. We strongly encourage proposals that reflect multiple perspectives and/or partnerships between institutions from across our membership and that evidence data and practical solutions.
For full consideration, complete and submit proposals using the webform there by October 15, 2024. Questions should be directed to Dr. Troy Terry, CSGS President-Elect at troy.terry@ung.edu.
Important - the Conference will be on SMU's beautiful campus. Be ready to walk or ride a shuttle (provided) back and forth.
Conference Hotel - rooms at the conference rate are sold out, however there are still rooms at the standard rate.
Nearby hotel (no conference rate):
Business Meeting: Slate of Candidates