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Faculty Awards

CSGS honors two faculty members / administrators with awards for outstanding service. The awards are the Outstanding Mentor Award and the Outstanding Contributions Award.

Check out past faculty award recipients!

Outstanding Mentor Award

This award acknowledges and honors a person who has enjoyed outstanding success in mentoring graduate students in the Southern Region.


$1,000 and a plaque.  The award will be presented at our in-person annual conference.


  • Any full-time tenured faculty member of a CSGS member institution who has successfully mentored a cadre of graduate students at the master’s or doctoral level.

  • Nominees must have gained distinction as a mentor on the nominating campus.

  • Reputation for facilitating student learning by making complex ideas understandable and meaningful to students.

  • Establishment and maintenance of high academic standards.

  • Positive role modeling as a professional, with personal integrity, high ethical standards, and achievable standards for personal excellence.

  • Consistent and ongoing guidance of students regarding resources within and outside the university, conflict resolution, and advocacy for completion of the program of study in a timely manner.

  • Substantial influence on the academic and professional pursuits of students that may include funded research, co-authorship on publications, and co-presentations at national or international conferences.

  • Nominees must have a demonstrated and continuing success as a mentor over a significant portion of the candidate’s career.


Nomination and Selection Process

Faculty members must be nominated by their institutional colleagues; they may not nominate themselves. An institution can nominate only one candidate per award cycle. Nominations should include the following materials and be submitted as a complete package:

  • A summary (2-page maximum) of the nominee’s qualifications for the award.

  • A letter of endorsement from the graduate dean (or equivalent) of the nominee (2-page maximum). In the event that the graduate dean is nominated, the letter should be from the dean’s current provost or president.

  • Abbreviated curriculum vitae of the nominee (8-page maximum).

  • 3 letters of support (each letter is limited to 2 pages) from former graduate students attesting to the mentoring provided by the nominee. The letter writer must provide evidence of how the nominee contributed to the letter writer’s success and achievements.

  • 2 letters of support from departmental colleagues (each letter is limited to 2 pages).

  • A single PDF, electronic copy of the complete original nomination package MUST be submitted via the form below. No incomplete packets will be considered. Name the file: CSGS_Outstanding_Mentoring_Award_LastName_FirstName_InstitutionName.pdf


Please submit your nomination via the form below. The awards committee will make its recommendation to the CSGS Executive Committee in January. At that time, nominators will be informed of the outcome of the competition. If you have questions, please contact


Nomination Deadline

November 15th, 2024.

Outstanding Contribution to Graduate Education in the Southern Region

This peer-nominated award is presented to acknowledge and honor a person whose contributions have significantly benefited graduate education in the Southern Region


Award $1000 and a plaque. The award will be presented at our annual conference.


  • Any person except elected public officials currently in office or candidates for elective public office may be nominated.

  • The nominee’s work and contributions must have been performed, at least in part, within the previous ten-year period.

  • The nominee’s contributions to graduate education should be transformative. Examples include: contributions to CSGS or other graduate education societies or groups; building, establishing, or revitalizing a graduate school or college; creation of initiatives to improve graduate education that are shared or extend beyond their campus; participation in multi-university initiatives, etc. 


Nomination and Selection Process

Nominations may be made by any CSGS member institution representative. Nominations should include the following materials:

  • A summary of the nominee’s qualifications and contributions (2-page maximum)

  • A curriculum vitae of the nominee (6-page maximum)

  • A letter from the graduate dean (or equivalent designee) of the nominee. In the event that the graduate dean is nominated, the letter should be from the dean’s current provost or president (2-page maximum).

  • One letter of recommendation (limited to 2 pages) attesting to the contributions of the nominee.

  • A single PDF, electronic copy of the complete original nomination package MUST be submitted via the form below.  No incomplete packets will be considered.
    Name the file: CSGS_Outstanding_Contributions_Award_LastName_FirstName_InstitutionName.pdf


Please submit your nomination via the form below. The awards committee will make its recommendation to the CSGS Executive Committee in January. At that time, nominators will be informed of the outcome of the competition. An award may not be given every year.  If you have questions, please contact  



November 15th, 2024.

Faculty Award Nominations

Please complete the form to nominate your colleagues. Each institution can only submit one nomination per award. The form allows you to submit only in one award category. You can come back at a later time and submit a nomination in the second award category.




The deadline for nominations is November 15th, 2024, 11:59pm. 


Nominations submitted after this date will not be considered.

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